TWD: Baking with Julia – Irish Soda Bread

I love this bread. What an easy thing. Who knew bread could be this easy? I feel that it has totally opened an entire world to me. Bread for potlucks. Bread for bake sales. These two things happen a lot in Nome, Alaska. And I am happy to say that I have a new, yummy recipe in my arsenal to contribute when the time is right. I’m especially excited and inspired by fellow Tuesdays With Dorie baker at my culinary mission, who took it upon herself to add Gruyere cheese to her bread. I love cheesy bread. I will try this one soon. Visit her blog for the complete recipe. I went for what the book recommended and added some leftover dried fruit from our rugelach experience: currants, and bits of dried apples, dates, and apricots. Yummy! And it’s still good a couple days later. I shared it with folks at work. It was a hit!

My sister, who is baking along with us as well, shared that the recipe was going to be  simple. I was thankful for it after the past week’s events. I was feeling nervous about cracking open my “Baking with Julia” book to find the specifics of the proposed recipe. I could not fathom having enough energy and patience to tackle another Rugelach or tartlet experience. I just finished a crazy week at work, and have a new puppy that needs constant bathroom breaks it seems…even at 3:45am. Yes! my dog Parker has a sister, Emmylou. It’s hard work right now. But she is super cute…. Thank goodness for easy and delicious recipes.

7 thoughts on “TWD: Baking with Julia – Irish Soda Bread

  1. Really, it stayed good for a few days? I purposely made half a recipe so the four of us could eat it with dinner, because the recipe said it would be hard as a rock a few hours later. That’s good to know, because it was super easy and my husband liked it a lot.

  2. Beautiful bread but an even more gorgeous new baby!! Is that a blue merle Aussie Shepherd? We had several & they are so fine.

  3. Yum! I love irish soda bread. I’ve only made it once but I’ve been craving it since St. Patrick’s Day. I think I’m going to have to make some this week, my week of escaping my cooking rut. Thanks for sharing! I dig the blog. (This is Jessica’s friend, Kyra) 🙂

  4. Such a cute pup!

    I had similar thoughts about this bread – I’m always bringing baking to meetings and this would be both welcome and easy.

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